I Suck at Saving Money (11 Reasons Why & How To Fix It)

I Suck at Saving Money (11 Reasons Why & How To Fix It)

It’s about time we face the harsh reality, Americans suck at saving money, and you have probably fallen into those statistics without even knowing it. There are more consumers of goods and services here in the U.S. than in all of India. That’s over one billion people, and we still consume more than they do.  …

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Take 6 Months Off Work (How To Make It Happen)

Take 6 Months Off Work (How To Make It Happen)

Economies worldwide are dealing with the effect of the pandemic and the reality that the virus has come to live with us, and we as a people must come to terms with the new reality. Almost all sectors of the economy have experienced the negative effect of the pandemic, with some being hit more than …

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Can I Afford A BMW? Let’s Break It Down

Can I Afford A BMW

You can afford a BMW when you’re debt-free, have saved at least 6 months’ worth of living expenses in an emergency fund, and can comfortably send 10-20% into retirement savings and investments. Getting your first serious job right out of college introduces you to the world of personal finance. So here you are with your …

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Starting Over At 30 With Nothing

Starting Over At 30 With Nothing

As a youth, attaining the approximate age of 30 is generally perceived by many as a milestone but as an individual, is it? Many struggle to wrap their thoughts around their prospects and chances of social, economic, and financial survival at 30. You may have no friends, no family, no relationships, no job, and a …

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When One Partner Owns the House – What To Know

When One Partner Owns the House

Lately, I have been receiving a flurry of questions around the topic “what happens when one partner owns the house?” The way I have been bombarded with the questions, I realized many people are dealing with these issues and need answers.  When you own a house by yourself, you paid your mortgage, or are still …

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Where Do Billionaires Keep Their Money?

Where Do Billionaires Keep Their Money?

Billionaires don’t keep their money in cash; their wealth comes from their net value. The net worth is a reflection of the things they own – companies, stock, and property. They reinvest every profit because if they keep their money in cash, inflation will eat a chunk every year. The neverending talk about billionaires and …

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What To Do When You Have Nowhere To Go (Housing, Food, Support)

What To Do When You Have Nowhere To Go

If you ever end up homeless, with nowhere to go, you’re not alone. First, contact a homeless service provider in your area or community organizations that help secure an affordable unit. Next, locate a Food Bank, apply for other food programs, and locate a Health Care Center helping the homeless. Finally, get info about unemployment …

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