How Long Should It Take To Save Up For A Car?

How Long Should It Take To Save Up For A Car?

When thinking of buying a car, there’re different factors to consider. If you’re buying a new car, then you’ll need to save around 20% of the total amount for the down payment. On the other hand, a used car will be much cheaper. Also, remember the kind of financing you’re willing to do, including cash, …

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Can I Afford A BMW? Let’s Break It Down

Can I Afford A BMW

You can afford a BMW when you’re debt-free, have saved at least 6 months’ worth of living expenses in an emergency fund, and can comfortably send 10-20% into retirement savings and investments. Getting your first serious job right out of college introduces you to the world of personal finance. So here you are with your …

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My Boyfriend Is Broke


Setting up high expectations for a partner almost always leads to disappointment. And when I say partner, I mean the person who will be by your side and share the same long-term goals as you for years to come. Should you settle with a boyfriend with minimal to no personal finance knowledge? And what about …

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Saving Money For Big Purchases

Saving money for big purchases

Big purchases need significant savings. Let us be fair. Budgeting and savings don’t come easy to us all. For some, those two terms are easier said than achieved. Then again, few life skills come naturally to some people. Everyone can learn how to budget and save money better. Everyone has a big financial dream they …

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