Can I Afford A BMW? Let’s Break It Down

Can I Afford A BMW

You can afford a BMW when you’re debt-free, have saved at least 6 months’ worth of living expenses in an emergency fund, and can comfortably send 10-20% into retirement savings and investments. Getting your first serious job right out of college introduces you to the world of personal finance. So here you are with your …

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How To Live On 20K A Year (Possible Or Not?)

How To Live On 20K A Year (Possible Or Not?)

In essence, many full-time federal employees earn about $18,000 yearly. So, if you want to make $20,000 annually, you will need to earn more than the minimum wage of $9.61 per hour. Frankly, surviving on $20,000 a year is challenging because that is not even your net take home. Your monthly after-tax will come to something around …

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How Much Debt Is Too Much?

Can you handle debt in your current situation?

Too much debt, or being overleveraged, can be a huge handicap on your finances and ability to borrow money. When your income barely meets your expenses, you’re in trouble. If your income doesn’t even cover your debt, you have to stop right now and plan a way out of the hole you’ve dug. Things happen, …

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