I Need Help Managing My Money – Part 2

DIY money management advice

This is the concluding part of my discussion with a young man who asked how to grow his money. He earns between $60,000 to $90,000 annually, and his savings are in six figures, but he is only getting 0.06% annually for all his effort. So he wanted to know if he should delegate his fund …

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Personal Finance Tips For Millennials

Personal Finance Tips For Millennials

Millennial households are earning now more than ever with a $69,000 median income. But most of them are still buried in debt and living with their parents. The lack of personal finance knowledge is to blame. Anyone can be quick to judge you on your financial decisions and management, but few will take the time …

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Difference Between Growth And Dividend Mutual Fund

Difference Between Growth And Dividend Mutual Fund

Mutual funds fall under different fund types and classes, but two key classifications or categories you will find are Growth Funds and Dividend Funds. Understanding the difference between growth and dividend styles is essential in establishing an ideal investment plan for you. Combining different kinds of investments may also help you build a diversified portfolio. …

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Can A Mutual Fund Go Bankrupt?

Can A Mutual Fund Go Bankrupt?

Well, this one of those types of stories we don’t like to read or hear about. This is because it involves not just the loss of your fund, but in some cases, people have lost a lot more than just money when their investment goes wrong.  Wouldn’t you rather know? I would rather know if …

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What Is Open Ended And Closed Ended Mutual Fund?

What Is Open Ended And Closed Ended Mutual Fund?

Mutual funds are identified based on how they work, i.e., if they’re open-ended or closed-ended schemes. The gap between the two different funds is flexibility and the ease of purchasing and selling finance units. Having a better understanding will go a long way in helping you in your mutual investment journey. An open-ended fund gives you …

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