How Much Rent Can I Afford On $60k?

How Much Rent Can I Afford On $60k?

It would be best if you aimed to spend around 30% of your income on rent. For example, if you’re making $60,000 a year, that’s $5,000 a month before taxes. So your monthly rent shouldn’t be over $1,500. Apartment hunting is a tiresome process that comes with unforeseen struggles. Before you go looking for a …

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I Need To Move Out But I Can’t Afford It

I Need To Move Out But I Can't Afford It

You’ve stumbled here because you’re wondering how to get out of a toxic family house, the apartment you’ve been sharing with an abusive-romantic partner or the apartment that you’re sharing with mates who grate on your nerves. Whatever your reason is, before you can take any step forward, the first thing to consider is how …

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How To Live On 20K A Year (Possible Or Not?)

How To Live On 20K A Year (Possible Or Not?)

In essence, many full-time federal employees earn about $18,000 yearly. So, if you want to make $20,000 annually, you will need to earn more than the minimum wage of $9.61 per hour. Frankly, surviving on $20,000 a year is challenging because that is not even your net take home. Your monthly after-tax will come to something around …

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How Much Does It Cost To Live On Your Own?

How much does it cost to live on your own?

I remember the day I moved out of home as the most exciting day of my adolescence. I was finally out of my mom’s house and on my own, where I would make the rules, and everything will be so much more relaxed. It wasn’t long until reality hit me. Living on my own was …

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