I Need Help Managing My Money – Part 2

DIY money management advice

This is the concluding part of my discussion with a young man who asked how to grow his money. He earns between $60,000 to $90,000 annually, and his savings are in six figures, but he is only getting 0.06% annually for all his effort. So he wanted to know if he should delegate his fund …

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How Much Do I Need To Invest To Make $1,000 A Month?

How Much Do I Need To Invest To Make $1,000 A Month?

Depending on the option you chose, you’ll need at least $100,000. You can create a portfolio of around $400,000 in different stocks; purchase an online business for 3 times their annual earnings, or buy a rental property. Earning an additional $1,000 each month can change your lifestyle. It might not look as much at first, …

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Margin Trading Vs Options – Which Is Best For Me?

A young investor is on his computer trading on his margin account, as well as options trading.

The primary purpose of venturing into an investment is to gain some returns on your investment. In some cases, we embrace the idea of accelerated returns with minimal risk, especially when trading.  As an investor seeking ways to increase your returns, you need to understand what is involved when trading, the type of trading, and everything involved. …

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Should I Cash Out My Stocks & Take All My Gains Now?

Should I Cash Out My Stocks & Take All My Gains Now?

If 2020 has taught us one thing, it’s that you can’t always predict what’s about to happen or how you’ll react. Whether it is a national stock market crash or a worldwide pandemic, people act similarly. Panic and fear take the best of us. Remember how almost everyone overstocked on toilet paper back in March …

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How Do You Know What Stocks To Invest In?

The first step to financial freedom is to save some of the money that you earn. The next step is to make some of that saved money go to work, by investing it into something. To keep it short, the general consensus is that you invest in stocks that you are familiar with (ie. if …

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