Spend Money To Make Money

Spend Money To Make Money

How many times have you heard you need to spend money to make money? We’ll take a wild guess and say over one hundred times. But have you ever explored how you can spend the money in order to double or triple it? To start a business, you need some starting funds. That money can …

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How Do People Afford Houses? (Everything You Need To Know)

How Do People Afford Houses? (Everything You Need To Know)

Your first encounter with the real estate market might raise some questions, especially if you’re looking to buy a house on an average income. House prices are going up, but income is not changing as much. If you haven’t been attentive to your personal finances, you might wonder how do people afford houses? The downpayment …

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Pregnant And Have No Money – How Can Grow From This?

Pregnant And Have No Money - How Can Grow From This?

Almost half the pregnancies on earth are unplanned. A only 57% of those decide to carry to term. The most critical side beside the psychological pressure is the financial cost. With the heaps of ads targeting new moms and expecting families, it’s easy to feel you’re unable to have a child if you’re making less …

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9 Reasons Why You Don’t Need A Financial Advisor

9 Reasons Why You Don't Need A Financial Advisor

Organizing your finances is a full-time job, some want to say. Avoiding facing their own disorganizations, people tend to rely on others. From housekeeping to finances, most people want to have a person for everything. But exactly how smart or a decision is that? With so much free information widely available, you don’t need to …

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My Boyfriend Is Broke


Setting up high expectations for a partner almost always leads to disappointment. And when I say partner, I mean the person who will be by your side and share the same long-term goals as you for years to come. Should you settle with a boyfriend with minimal to no personal finance knowledge? And what about …

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How Much Does It Cost To Live On Your Own?

How much does it cost to live on your own?

I remember the day I moved out of home as the most exciting day of my adolescence. I was finally out of my mom’s house and on my own, where I would make the rules, and everything will be so much more relaxed. It wasn’t long until reality hit me. Living on my own was …

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