When One Partner Owns the House – What To Know

When One Partner Owns the House

Lately, I have been receiving a flurry of questions around the topic “what happens when one partner owns the house?” The way I have been bombarded with the questions, I realized many people are dealing with these issues and need answers.  When you own a house by yourself, you paid your mortgage, or are still …

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How To Buy A Million Dollar House

How To Buy A Million Dollar House

Purchasing your first home is exciting, overwhelming, and a little scary. As a relatively new homeowner, I’m already thinking of upgrading in the foreseeable future. One of the reasons might be my addiction to multi-million dollar house shows. I often catch myself outlining a long-term plan to afford one of those stunning homes. There’s not …

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Work Out Interest On Mortgage Payments

Work Out Interest On Mortgage Payments

There’s no greater feeling than buying your first house. But it’s a serious investment that can be overwhelming, especially if you’re not well familiar with the process. The first step toward purchasing a house is determining how much house you can afford. Next is saving for a down payment and getting pre-qualified for a mortgage. …

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Which Type of Mortgage is Best

Which type of mortgage is best?

Buying a home is one of the most significant decisions you have to make sooner or later. Except you have loads of cash to dole out, finding a property is one half of the challenge. The other half of this is selecting the type of mortgage that best suits your situation, especially your finances because …

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